Cheque Presentation
During this year's NBG conference, we had the pleaseure of presenting a cheque for £1,250 to Bryan Clover CEO of the Rainy Day Trust.
The funds were raised during this year's Golf Day and divided between our 4 nominated charities.
November 2023
Christmas Tree 2023
Again, we had the pleasure of helping Kingsbridge Town Council put up this year's Christmas Tree on Kingsbridge Town Square.
Thankfully we had perfect weather and with Paul an experienced crane operator who's assisted Kingsbridge Town Council over the past couple of years with the Town Square Christmas Trees.
We hope that this year's Christmas Tree will bring joy and happiness to all.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Novemeber 2023
Pavestone Rally 2023
We are very proud to say the Palladium Building Supplies Pavestone Rally 2023 Team picked up several awards.
They came 1st as OVERALL WINNERS and
- 1st in The Fakro Turtle on Tour Cahllenge winning £500,
- 1st for the best dressed team on day 3,
- 2nd in The K Factor Challenge winning £300,
- 4th in the fundraising, raising £13,000.
The prize money will be given back to the sponsored event charities (British Heart Foundation, Crash Charity, Rainy Day Trust, Variety The Children's Charity).
On behalf of our Team, we would like to thank you all so very much for following and supporting them and this incredible event which this year has raised a staggering £220,000.
If you want to see their whole journey, please check their Facebook page:
September 2023
Golf Day 2023
Palladium Building Supplies held this years annual Golf Day on Thursday 20th July 2023 at Bigbury Golf Club. This years event was well supported by customers and suppliers from branches in Kingsbridge, Ivybridge and Plymouth. Taking advantage of the glorious weather, the claxon sounded at noon for a shotgun start with the Palladium refreshment buggies doing the rounds.
The day was concluded with Palladium Group directors Keith and Gary Olver giving prizes for the day, and the charity auction which raised over £4,900 for the nominated 4 charities - Rainy Day Trust, Devon Air Ambulance, Dartmoor Search and Reascue Team (Plymouth) and Gables Dogs and Cats Home.
Thank you to all those who attended and contributed to the success of this annual event.
July 2023
Christmas Draw at Kingsbridge Brach
We are excited to run our Christmas Draw at Kingsbridge Branch again this year!
From 1st of December until 23rd of December we will be giving away daily a FREE Christmas Gift wrapped box of goodies. To be in with a chance of winning, visit our shop and with every purchase be entered into our daily prize draw.
Good Luck!
December 2022
Christmas Tree
We were happy to assist Kingsbridge Town Council with this years Christmas Tree which was placed on the town square.
A challenging assignment, not least because of the trees and lamp posts situated around the square and the weather which thankfully cleared as we started.
November 2022
Rainy Day Trust
We were pleased to be able to present a cheque to Rainy Day Trust this week at the NBG Confrence in Wales.
The money was raised at our annual golf day which took place in the Summer. Thank you again to all those that make our annual golf day the success it is.
November 2022
Golf Day 2022
Thursday the 21st July 2022 saw Palladium Building Supplies annual Golf Day held at Bigbury Golf Club. The event was well supported by customers and suppliers from the branches in Kingsbridge, Plymouth and Ivybridge. The claxon went off at noon for a shotgun start with the Palladium refreshments buggies doing the rounds, thankfully the weather stayed with the golfers, with cloudless skies and a gentle breeze.
The evening was concluded with Palladium group directors Keith and Gary Olver giving prizes for the day, and th charity action which raised £4,000 for four charities (Devon Air Ambulance, Rainy Day Trust, Gables Dogs & Cats Home).
July 2022
Palladium Charity Golf Day 22nd July
Perfect weather greeted the golfers to Bigbury Golf Course for an enjoyable day of golf. After refreshments and some fun golf games, the teams went to their starting holes for a shot gun start.
Late afternoon saw all the golfers making their way back to the club house to enjoy some refreshments and regale stories of that "Hole in one (well almost)" or "The bunker that jumped out on me".
Company Directors Gary and Keith Olver presented prizes for the highest individual points score along with highest team points score to name a few. They also presented booby prizes for those not so perfect games which included lost balls and not getting out of many bunkers.
The charity auction followed with items donated by Palladium and our suppliers with Keith as auctioneer. With a friendly relaxed atmosphere, the bids came thick and fast with a total of £3320 raised for the four charities that were represented on the night.
Thank you to everyone who contributed and attended on the day.
July 2021
Palladium helps Brian
You may remember Brian from our previous post. Brian aided in part by his daughter Caroline has been making Reindeer Baskets and selling them with all the proceeds going to Cancer Research and St Luke's Hospice. We mentioned last time that Brian and Caroline were working all hours to fulfil their outstanding orders in time for Christmas and when Brian came into our shop to purchase more mouldings and glue we couldn't ignore the fact that Brian at 82 years of age was still trying to fulfil his obligation so we decided to donate another consignment of mouldings and glue to this local worthwhile cause.
Brian and Caroline are confident all outstanding orders should be ready in time for Christmas.
December 2020
Palladium donate Timber Mouldings and Glue to help Reindeer Maker
We've all heard about acts of kindness during the pandemic and the wider lockdown but when we heard about Brian and his handmade Reindeer Baskets we felt we had to get involved.
Brian (pictured seated) is 82 years old and to keep himself busy during lockdown he has been making Reindeer Baskets and selling them with all the proceeds going to Cancer Research and St Luke's Hospice. Aided in part by his daughter Caroline, Brian has been able to make one reindeer an hour with timber mouldings and glue donated by Palladium Building Supplies in Kingsbridge.
They have proved to be so poplular that Brian and Caroline have a backlog of over 240 reindeers to be made before Christmas with Caroline having to take time off work just to fulfil the outstanding Reindeer Baskets which means unfortunately that no new orders can be taken.
Thank you Brian, a true act of kindness.
November 2020
The Studio is Open
If you are in the market for a Kitchen, Bathroom, Tiles, Shower Panels or Accessories Pop-In or give us a call.
Opening Times:
Mon- Fri 7:30 - 17:00
Sat 8:00 - 13:00
Tel. 01548 855411
September 2020
Palladium Customer Announcement
At Palladium we're committed to offering a service to our customers but in these unprecedented times we've taken the decision to be open to trade customers only.
We respect that people are willing to and may need to undertake DIY but as an employer we're committed to protecting our staff and customers as much as we can whilst trying to support those trades that are self-employed.
Retail can still telephone orders through and these can be delivered via our delivery service.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
26 March 2020
Customer Notice
(All Palladium branches remain open at this time)
Following last night's further Government announcement, we would like to inform all our customers that we remain open for business in line with Government advice.
We will keep you updated with any changes as and when required.
We appreciate your custome in these difficult times.
We are currently working hard with strict measures in place of COVID-19, whilst making sure projects can still progress and that we are there for all who need us.
Controls are in place to limit the number of customers who can enter our premises at any one time.
Please for your safety and that of our staff, we kindly asking customers to
Our team can be contacted by telephone:
Kingsbridge Branch 01548 852792
Ivybridge Branch 01752 896140
Please, during these difficult times, can we ask for your patience and that you be kind to staff and one another.
Thank you for your co-operation, support and understanding in these most challenging of times.
24 March 2020
Business as usual
Dear Customer,
We want to advise our customers of the measures that are in place to reduce the possible spread of the COVID-19 infection within our branches.
- Employees are following a strict hygiene regime, including all employees to regularly sanitize and wash hands.
- All company site door handles, telephones, credit card machines and work surfaces are regularly disinfected and cleaned down. Drivers have been advised to regularly cleanse their vehicle cabs.
- Restrictions are in place for the internal movement of employees. Employees will no longer move from depot to depot. Our staff have been instructed to distance themselves by a minimum of two metres from others.
- All internal meetings in the business have been cancelled to reduce the gathering of employees.
- All employees are advised not to travel unless necessary and to make us known of any trave plans and destinations.
- Palladium Building Supplies want to know that our employee and customer safety is our prime concern and we are following all government guidelines to keep everyone safe and free from infection.
If you have any concerns please contac us in branch.
Thak you for your co-operation, support and understanding in these most challenging of times.
March 2020
Nicola Wilson - Welcome Back!
We'd like to welcome back into The Studio Nicola Wilson. Nicky has an extensive professional portfolio and can offer unbiased and straightforward advice and information, and can offer a peronalized service to meet any budget. Getting the best out of the space that's available Nicky can offer rooms that are practical and functional whilst looking amazing. We offer a free no oblication design service and with our own fleet of transport we can manage your project from an initial idea to delivery.
January 2020
Cheque Presentation
Money raised from our annual Golf Day was presented to two local charities, Devon Air Ambulance Trust and Kingsbridge Triangle Centre. Also Variety the Children's Charity, Teenage Cancer Trust and Rainy Day Trust the three chosen charities of The Pavestone Rally received donations that were raised on the day.
Thank you to all those that have and continue to make our annual Golf Day fund raising the success that it is.
January 2020
Kingsbridge Community College - Year 7 Careers Insight Presentation
We were extremely honored to be asked to attend Kingsbridge Community College and give a Careers Insight Presentation to Year 7 students. We found the students engaging and at times humorous, asking relevant contect on the topics discussed.
January 2020
Mereway Bathrooms Furniture Mobile Display
Mereway Bathrooms will be bringing their Display Van to show a selection of the Urbano Living Modular Range. Please come along, view and speak to our experts.
Wednesday 22nd January 11am-14pm
January 2020
Kingsbridge Community College 2019 Careers Fair
We were honored to be able to attend the Kingsbridge Community College 2019 Careers Fair in November. Along with the BMF we offered careers in the construction industry and spoke to students about the career paths they could take with the industry. We found the students very engaging with many having a good grasp of basic business principles, which gave them the confidence to ask pertinent questions relevant to business and constrction industry and we are looking forward to attending more careers events in the future.
November 2019
Palladium finished 2nd at the Pavestone Rally 2019!!!
Congratulations to all those teams that took part in Pavestone Rally and those that won awards. We did fantastically well getting joint 1st place for the Fakro Terry the turtle photo, 2nd place for our fundraising amount of £8,100, 2nd place for the best dressed team on day one with The Teletubbies, and an award 2nd for the points total, so we are well chuffed.
We would like to thank all those who sponsored and supported our team. Our fundraising page is still open if you are feeling generous.
September 2019
Palladium helps Local Primary School
We were delighted to answer a call for help from Mrs Trembath of Kingsbridge Primary School for woodworking tools for Year 1 children which will allow the children to continue with their creative studies. Pictured is our branch manager Nick Cox helping Mrs Trembath pick out some tools, screws and nails for the children.
August 2019
Golf Day 2019
Thursday the 25th July 2019 saw Palladium Building Supplies annual Charity Golf Day held at Bigbury Golf Club.
The event was well supported by customers and suppliers from the branches in Kingsbridge, Plymouth and Ivybridge. The claxon was sounded at noon for a shotgun start with the Palladium refreshments buggies doing the rounds, thankfully the weather stayed with the golfers, with cloudless skies and a gentle breeze.
The evening was concluded with Palladium group directors Keith and Gary Olver giving prizes for the day, and the charity auction which raised £2500 for The Devon Air Ambulance, The Kingsbridge Triangle Outreach Centre, The Rainy Day Trust, The Teenage Cancer Trust and The Variety - The Children's Charity.
Thank you all to those who took part and contributed to the success of this annual event.
July 2019
Pavestone Rally 2019
This is Evie. Evie took the Palladium Team around Europe in 2017 without missing a beat. You'd have seen her in and around Kingsbridge but the time has come to give Evie a new look. The Palladium Team have been invited to participate in this years Pavestone Rally. We've decided to keep Evie but update the theme so pass the word, we're at it again and we're back.
June 2019
Dulux London Revolution 2019
Our very own Nick completed the Dulux London Revolution 2019 last weekend, a distance of 189 miles in 12 hours and 25 minutes. Nick was riding for Team Dulux and as a tem have managed to raise £35,000 for The Outward Bound Trust UK. Nick's Just Giving Page is still open until the end of the month if you're feeling generous. Thank you to all those who have sponsored and supported Nick.
May 2019
Lukesland Garden
Lukesland is a magnificent garden in 24 acres of land just 1 mile from the centre of Ivybridge on the road to Harford. They invited Palladium to attend the opening of the new Tea Room as we were one of building material & finishing material suppliers.
They had a glorious day for the opening, being one of the warmest and sunniest of this year. Over 60 invited guests witnessed the cutting of the ivy and enjoyed a scrumptious buffet lunch from the new tea room. Lukesland has seating in the wooden panelled reception room or the stone courtyard or newly adapted veranda terrace.
Lukesland Gardens are set in 24 acres full of plant life, with the 1862 Lukesland house at the top. The gardens have many accessible paths weaving by the streams, past the high trees and close to hundereds of varieties of wonderful bushes shrubs and plants do delight all that tread those paths. Very soon after leaving the house to join the gardens is the largest Magnolia tree, by spread, in the UK. Lukesland is a true visual delight wheather a gardener or not.
It is open to the public from this 31st March on Sundays, Wednesdays and Bank Holidays till June, and then some dates in October and November.
March 2019
Dulux London Revolution
On the 11th of May this year our very own Nick will be taking on the most colourful, some would say fun cycling challenge on the calendar whilst raising money for the Outward Bound Trust.
Nick is riding as part of the Dulux Team that will be taking on the Dulux London Revolution bicycle ride. As many of you know, Nick is a keen cyclist, clocking up hundreds of miles a month and many of you see him on the road where he is generally respectful to other road users. The team will be riding 186 miles (300km) in one day, starting from Enfield north London, through the city, Surrey, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and back to Enfield for the finish.
The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity that uses the outdoors to help develop young people from all walks to life. They help them become more confident, more effective and more capable at school, college and in the workplace.
Nick's going to have a long, tough day in the saddle and on the day at the front of his mind will be the reason he's doing this. So, if you can spare a pound, five pounds or more you could be the difference in giving the chance to a young person to turn their life around and also help Nick to keep the finish line in sight.
Thank you.
March 2019
Christmas Draw Winner
Congratulations to Mr Smaridge who won our Christmas Draw.
We hope you enjoy your new Samsung Tablet!
January 2019
Cheque presented to The Devon Air Ambulance Trust
A special thank you to all those involved, customers, suppliers and helpers at this years Palladium Golf Day held at Bigbury Golf Club in July. We managed to raise over £700 for the Devon Air Ambulance Trust who we're very proud to be associated with.
December 2018
Cheque presented to The Rainy Day Trust
Palladium representatives recently had the pleasure of presenting a cheque to The Rainy Day Trust. The money was raised at the annual Palladium Golf Day held at
Bigbury Golf Club...
We are very proud to support the only chartiy which helps past and present employees of the home improvement and enhancement industry.
November 2018
Palladium Golf Day 2018
We are extremely proud to announce that over £190 was raised at the Macmillan World's Biggest Coffee Morning last Friday!
A huge thank you to all who came and supported the event.
September 2018
Palladium Girls raised over £1,000 for St Luke's Hospice
On Saturday 21st July 2018 five girls form the Kingsbridge and Ivybridge Branches of Palladium Building Supplies, along with over 1,700 other ladies, took part in the Neon Midnight Walk in Plymouth.
The girls managed to raise an amazing amount of money from sponsorship raised by our wonderful custsomers and suppliers. With money still coming through, the total at the moment is over £1,000 and will be used by St Luke's Hospice Plymouth, a charity providing specialist advice and support to people with progressive life-limiting illnesses in the South West area.
Their evening began with an energetic warm up, the walk started at 10 pm. With aching legs and a few blisters they finished the 6 mile walk 2 hours later.
On behalf of the 'Palladium Dumpies' we would like like to thank all those who supported them with their challenge and wish St Luke's Hospice Plymouth all the best in reaching their goals.
It is not too late to support Palladium Girls, simply click the link below to donate:
July 2018
Neon Midnight Walk 2018
On July 21st this year, our very own Liz Ridding, Karina Tyszkiewicz, Nicky Wilson, Jo Clark and Karen Borton will join thousands of other women and take part in the Neon Midnight Walk in Plymouth, raising money to help St Luke's Hospice Plymouth provide free specialist end of life care. Girls are hoping to raise £500 for this local, worthwile cause by walking 6 miles over the evening and early morning of the 21st and 22nd of July, so please give what you can because every pound will truly count towards the wonderful work St Luke's Hospice does.
Thank you.
To donate and support Team Palladium please click picture below.
June 2018
Palladium sponsor Chi Rei Kai Dojos Karate Club
Palladium Building Supplies proudly sponsor Chi Rei Kai Dojos Ivybridge and The Modbury Karate Club who are helping create opportunities for local communities to develop skills and confidence. Looks like our MD, Keith has already started...
June 2018
Palladium Building Supplies support the Kingsbridge Primary School Gardening Club
Palladium Building Supplies were pleased to donate Kingsbridge Primary School Gardening Club with a new pink Wheelbarrow and a range of Children's Gardening Tools. After the success of our Mother's Day pink wheelbarrow giveaway and after being contacted by the school who wished to purchase a new wheelbarrow we decided to help and donate a new pink wheelbarrow with our supply partner Draper Tools offering a box of mini gardening tools for the children...
We're looking forward to trying the home grown vegetables.
April 2018
Presentation of the money raised at the annual Golf Day
Palladium Building Supplies were proud to present The Devon Air Ambulance Trust and The Kingsbridge Triangle Trust with the proceeds of the auction from the 2017 Golf Day at Bigbury Golf Club, two charities we're proud to be associated with.
March 2018
Palladium sponsor KRFC Girls U15s
Palladium Building Supplies are the proud sponsors of the tour for this seasons tour of France for the girls U15 Kingsbridge RFC. The team of 20, along with the coaching and managerial staff will be visiting Brittany in early April and playing two matches against teams from the surrounding regions of Finistere and Ille et Villain.
March 2018
Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team Plymouth
The team of Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team - Plymouth offer an invaluable service to those who live in and around Dartmoor and those who use the moor recreationally, finding loved ones and saving lives in the communities of Plymouth, Dartmoor and the surrounding areas.
Palladium Building Supplies have a proud association with DSRTP and have given the team new fleeces and a wall mounted power washer, hopefully the fleeces will keep the team warm and the power washer will keep the rescue vehicles clean.
Pictured: Keith Olver (Palladium Managing Director) with Vicky Coumbe (DSRTP Chairman) along with the Team Members.
February 2018
Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas 2017
Saturday 2nd December 2017 saw the town come together for the Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas Festival with stalls lining Fore Street. Stallholders from across Devon came to sell hot food and gifts, as well as a visit from Father Christmas and live entertainment there really was no better place to celebrate Kingsbridge and get into the Christmas spirit.
The Palladium Building Supplies stall had spot prize draws throughout the day, Sylvain and Karina did a wonderful job with our stall and also entered into the spirit of the season and the day.
Congratulations to all our lucky winners who entered our free prize draw.
December 2017
Pavestone Rally 2017
Pavestone Dover to Monte Carlo Rally 2017. Thank you all so very much for supporting us, sponsoring us and sendign us on our way with luck and your best wishes. As a team we managed to raise over £4,800 excl. gift aid through our branches in Kingsbirdge, Ivybrigde and Plymouth for The Rainy Day Trust and The Teenage Cancer Trust.
We drove through a 7km tunne in Austria, realised the Swiss have 4G Internet access and radio reception in their tunnels, we stood at dawn in the cold mountain air in Liechenstein, and saw the vibrancy of Luxembourg City. We drove as a team, at times in tired silence, other times sining at the tops of our voices, in fancy dress, always keeping a sense of homour and perspective. We laughed at conversations and situations, when the taxi diver in Luxembourg asked Sylvain where in England he learnt French? - "Eh, I'm from Bordeaux", Keith "lead foot" Olver reversing into the same barrier twice, Nicky taking poor old Evie to 92mph (speed record), and me taking the racing line on any road I drove, deciding to run 400 meters after sitting in a car for 10 hours, dumping the bicycles in Verona and driving into Casino Square in Monaco, wine tasting at the Chateau and spending the day at a medieval walled village. But for us the hospitality from a French family, who welcomed us into their home and offered us sanctury for the night, allowed us to relax, fed and watered us then sent us safely on our way the next morning is the thing that will stay with us. So to the family Bordas for looking after us and showing us some French culture, merci!
September 2017
Pavestone Rally 2017
The team and vehicle carrying the hopes of Devon in this years' Pavestone Rally 2017 Dover to Monte Carlo. Evie (the Volvo) has been given a thorough once over, had a shake down, it's installation lap and passed with flying colours, but can't say the same for the team. Keith, Nick, Nicky and Sylvain are looking forward the challenge and still raising as much money as possible for The Teenage Cancer Trust and The Rainy Day Trust. Please give as much as you can on our Virgin Money Giving page. Europe look out, we're on our way!!!
September 2017
Golf Day 2017
Customers from across the Palladium Building Supplies group took advantage of the fine summer weather to participate in this years Golf Day. Whilst the theme of the day is to enjoy the golf the competition amongst the players was fierce with rivalries renewed from years gone by. Into the evening we had our charity auction and due to the genorosity of our customers and suppliers we managed to raise £3000 which will be split between our chosen charities, The Devon Air Ambulance Trust, The Rainy Day Trust, The Teenage Cancer Trust and The Triangle Outreach Centre which is based at the South Hams Hospital in Kingsbridge and offers support to cancer suffers and their families. Whilst Palladium has a long association with The Devon Air Amulance and The Triangle Outreach Centre, The Rainy Day and The Teenage Cancer Trusts are being support this year in support of The Pavestone Rally 2017 Dover to Monte Carlo which Palladium Building Supplies (Kingsbridge) Ltd are participating in. In September Keith, Nick, Nicky and Sylvain will, along wiht 40 other teams, drive across Europe, 10 countries in 4 days, raising as much money as possible for these two worthwhile charities.
If you'd like to support the team you can sponsor them in any branch of Palladium Building Supplies or by following the link to their fundraising page.
July 2017
Pavestone Rally 2017

July 2017
The Railway Beacon's under 15's Football Team
Palladium Building Supplies are proud to sponsor and be associated with The Railway Beacon's under 15's boys Football Team. The Railway Beacon's have won promotion to the next tier by winning The Royal Oak DJM League with an emphatic win over their title rivals Ivybridge on the last day of the season. The boys have been playing together for 4 years, first in the under 11's then progressing through to the under 15's. No team is complete without the manager, coach, trainers and willing family who ferry their charges from match to match so a special thank you to all those involved. Congratulations lads, an outstanding season, worthy winners.
May 2017
Worshipful Company of Builders Merchants
Many congratulations to our managing director Keith Olver who's been accepted as a Liveryman to the Worshipful Company fo Builders Merchants. Keith was accepted into the Livery in a ceremony hosted by the Master in London, membership being by invitation only something not bestowed on many. The Worshipful Company of Builders Merchants plays a key part in teh builders' merchants and fundraising for a number of charities. It is also very active in supporting the Mayoralty in the city of London and raising the profile of builders' merchants, while highlighting their importance in 'Supplying Britain's Building Needs'.
May 2017
Devon Air Ambulance
Over the past 25 years, Palladium Building Supplies have been proud to be associated with the Devon Air Ambulance Trust. Though found raising events, and thanks to the gnenrosity of Palladium's customers and suppliers, our branches in Ivybridge, Kingsbridge and Plymouth have been able to raise funds for this important charity. Since their first flown mission, the Trust has been serving communities in Devon and saving many lives. The skill of all those involved in the Trust is only matched by their dedication in serving Devon.
(l-r Alan Sanders - Palladium, Nick Cox - Palladium, Rex Brown - Devon Air Ambulance, Barry Read - Palladium, Josh Berry - Palladium)
Devon Air Ambulace Trust is a registered charity. Registered Charity No: 1077998
May 2017
Bon Voyage to Brian
We're sorry to announce that our Brian is leaving Palladium in Kingsbridge. Over the years Brian has been studiously working away in the top office, contributing to the smooth running of the company. Personally you couldn't meet a nicer person, who's honest, compassionate and a caring soul who has with his manner managed to calm those around him when it all semms to be getting away from you. Brian will be sorely missed, all the very best mate, enjoy your retirement and when you're eating that sticky bun by the sea think of us!!!
March 2017
New Bathroom Showroom in Kingsbridge
Come and visit our recently refurbbished Bathroom Showroom for ideas.

February 2017
Kitchen Design Competition 2015/16
For the fourth year running The Studio @ Palladium in conjunction with Kingsbridge Community College are running a competition to find the best technical and practical kitchen design.
The students were tasked with producing a mood board and 3D model, with prizes being awarded by the Studio Team for 1st, nd and 3rd place.
A prize will also be awarded for the design with the most Public Votes, voting is open to everyone.
Remember the design with the most votes wins the Public Votes so get voting for your favourite.
The standard is high and to fully appreciate the designs they need to be seen. Judging as always will be difficult.
We look forward to welcoming you to our Showroom!
April 2016
Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas Free Prize Draw Winner
Congratulations to Dexter Janes for winning our Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas Free Prize Draw!
December 2015
Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas 2015
On Saturday the 5th of December the town came together for the Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas Extravaganza. Fore Street was closed to traffic which allowed traders to show their products and offer their services to the general public. The day saw Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, Mini Mouse and Olaf on hand for photographs, along with lots to do, see, eat and drink. Palladium's own Karina, Sylvain & Emma spent the day on the Palladium stall offering "One the Day" deals and advice to customers and everyone who attended our stall and attended and supported the event, thank you.
December 2015
English Rose are introducing two new Kitchen Ranges
Zest Gloss White and Zest Gloss Ivory are manufactured from 18mm MCF and produced in-house, using state-of-the-art machinery, providing a cleaner, superior edging quality compared to many other gloss white MFC doors available on the market.
Zest Gloss White and Zest Gloss Ivory are supported with matching gloss accessory panels, however this door can be used with Gloss White or Gloss Ivory cabinets without the need for additional panels.
Both ranges are suitable to be mixed with any Contemporary door curently in Group 0.
October 2015
Ivybridge Grand Opening
Saturday the 3rd of October 2015 saw the grand opening of the latest branch of Palladium Building Supplies. The South Devon based independent builders merchant had a Family Fun Day at their newest branch in Ivybridge, complete with a bouncy castle, face painting and donkey rides, thankfully the sun shone and a grand day was had by all. With food, refreshments and the staff getting into the spirit of the day, with special offers on the day, prize giveaways and competitions to keep everyone amused and interested. The branch was officially opened by Steve Lee, the branch General Manager, who along with the staff presented an enthusiastic welcome to all who attended and made the day what it was.
October 2015
Macmillan Coffee Morning 2015
A massive thank you to everyone who came, baked, bought and donated to our Macmillan Coffee Morning. Our Kingsbridge branch managed to raise a little over £140 for a very worthy cause.
Every cup of coffee sold and every piece of cake eaten helps give someone facing cancer to support they need to feel more in control of their life, from the moment they are diagnosed, throught treatment and afterwards.
Thank you all so very much!
September 2015
Kingsbridge Show Lucky Draw Winner
Congratulations to Mr Rees, the winner of our our Kingsbridge Show Prize Draw!
September 2015
Kingsbridge Show 2015
Thank you to all who visited our stand at the Kingsbridge Show on Saturday. Thankfully the weather held and hopefully everyone had a good time. The Palladium team attending our stand definitely did. Thank you all so very much for making the day what it is. (Kingsbridge Show Free Prize Draw winner will be announced shortly).
September 2015
Roll the Dice
Roll the Dice, the racehorse part owned by Palladium Building Supplies in Devon has been recently sold to a good home in Yorkshire where he will enjoy Point to Point racing and live in semi-retirement. Roll the Dice had a very successful career in flat racing wining prize money in 26 of 32 races he entered. We hope he enjoys his retirement! Palladium have renewed their sponsorship of another race horse call Roll the Dough (similar name purelu coincidenta). Roll the Dough is six years old and has shown good form in training this season and is scheduled to have his first race in October, hopefully he'll be as successful as Roll the Dice.
July 2015
Golf Day 2015
The annual Palladium Charity Golf Day took place at Bigbury Golf Club on the 23rd July 2015. A total of 80 golfers, customers from Kingsbridge and Plymouth took part along with suppliers in almost perfect weather.
During registration bacon baps and coffee was served, and the day started with the club professional organising a putting competition which tested control and accuracy. All the teams of four golfers were at their starting pins ready for a 1pm start with several in play competitions wich included: closes ball to the pin, the longest and straightest drive, most tries to get out of a sand bunker and strangest shot.
The day continued with a charity action with pirzes generously donated by our suppliers which included golf days at Bristol and Kendalshire, a box at Old Trafford to watch a Manchaster United home game, a malt whiskey hamper, wide screen television and many many more prizes.
The charity auction raised over £3,200 for the Devon Air Ambulance and a golf charity supported by Bigbury Golf Club.
July 2015
Tablet by Vado
We are pleased to announce that Tablet - a brand new collection of thermostatic shower valves from VADO are available now!
Compact in form, unique in operation, Tablet offers exeptional functionality. Luxurious soft-turn handles, outstanding safety from temeprature fluctuations and excellent flow rates, even at low pressure, ensure the valves are truly market leading.
Many of the models in the Tablet range feature a new and unique 'all-flow' function which allows users to select outlets independently or all outlets simultaneously. In the case of the 3 handle 3 outlet valves in the range, it's possible to have 3 outlets on at once for a relly through drenching!
The carefully thought out design doesn't stop with the styling and functionality; Tablet is incredibly simple to install and maintain too. Easy - access isolation points, a flat back to the valve body, easy fit plates and shrouds, multiple handle fitting positions for perfect alignment and generous fitting depth and tile cutting tolerance all ensures Tablet will be the number one valve choice for fitters everywhere.
VADO has created a comprehensive collection of showering packages to help take the effort out of spcifying the perfect Tablet showering or bathing solution.
July 2015
Congratulations to our Kitchen Design Competition Winners
Today we visited Kingsbridge Community College to present the prizes for our annual Kitchen Design Competition.
We were very impressed with the overall quality of the entries we received, they have improved year on year with the students incorporating more into their desings and models. This made judging the designs more challenging for us!
This year we awarded two commendations in addition to the other prizes, these students were Julia Farkas and Becky Allen who had both incorporated working lighting into their models.
The public vote was very popular this year and many more votes were cast than in previous years.
The results of the prize giving: Harriet Stumbles won the Public Vote with 291 votes. The 3rd place prize was awarded to Aimee Prescott. The 2nd place prize was awarded to Luisa. The 1st place prize was awarded to Haseebah Asharaf.
We congratulated the students for their efforts and all those who took part were given a box of chocolates in recognition of the what they managed to acheive.
May 2015
K-Kitchens Up to 45% Off Sale
Giving you the freedom to choose the colour of your kitchen, each kitchen in the painted range is made to order by skilled craftsmen, now with 20% OFF and Ivory at 30% OFF.
Please allow 4 weeks lead time from date of order on all painted kitchens.
With up to 30% OFF, the clean, contemporary lines of our modern ranges encapsulate the best that design has to offer.
Whether you're looking for country farmhouse charm or traditional styling with a modern twist you can find it here, now with up to 45% OFF.
May 2015
Kitchen Design Competition 2014 / 2015
Following the success of previous years competitions, for the third year in a row the Studio @ Palladium in conjunction with Kingsbridge Community College is running a competition for enthusiastic young designers to find the best technical and practical kitchen design.
The year 9 Students were first set the task in November 2014 to design their kitchen, which included a mood board and a 3D model, with 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes being awarded by the Studio Team.
There will also be a prize for the design which gets the most public votes which is open to everyone including family and friends. All the designs are on display in the Showroom of The Studio in Higher Union Road, Kingsbridge or alternatively you can view them through our websites or or via Facebook where you can "like" your favourite design. You can also email The Studio directly on
The design with the most votes wins.
The standard this year is exceptional and year on year we've seen improvement in the design concept and commitment. The 3D models have to been seen to be believed, with the attention to detail on the desings we think this year will be the hardest to judge.
We look forward to welcoming you to our showroom!
April 2015
The latest addition to our delivery fleet
The latest addition to Kingsbridge delivery fleet, the Isuzu short wheel base tipper truck supplied by T Harvey & Sons of Cornwall. The Isuzu has a carrying capacity 1.25 tonnes and is purpose build for narrow lanes and hard to access sites.
March 2015
Palladium Sponsor Local Football Team
Local football team Railway Beacon U13 have been on a winning streak since being sponsored by Palladium Building Supplies, winning their last four games and already surpassing their results for the last two seasons. The team managed by Alex Yates and James Lucas play their home matches at Devonport Park and have become formidable opponents the season. They beat the top of the league team Callington at home on Saturday (21/03) by three goals to one and have won their last four matches, home and away.
Good luck for the rest of the season...
March 2015
122 Kitchens available with up to 50% OFF!
South - West Racing Club

The South-West Racing Club is an independent organisation, formed in 1979 whose sole aim is to encourage interest in all aspects of horse racing, particularly in the South-West.
The Club organise coach trips to many race days in Great Britain and Ireland, as well as value breaks abroad to meetings such as the Prix De L'Arc De Triomphe, Punchestown Festival or courses such as Chantilly, Baden- Baden and Cagnes Sur Mer. Social Events are held from time to time as well as stable and stud visits.
The Club is a non- profit making organisation and is run entirely by volnuteers. Membership is open to anyone interested in horse racing and members are drawn from all walks of life but share are interest in sport.
To join simply send a cheque to the address below or get in touch via the contact details.
Address: The South West Racing Club, C/o Newton Abbot Racecourse, Newton Road, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 3AF
Telephone: 01626 353235
March 2015
Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas Draw Winner Chosen!
Nicky and Sylvain drew the winner for the Tookit today and the lucky winner was Neil Steer - congratulations Neil, hope you can make good use of it!!!
December 2014
Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas 2014
Thank you to everyone who attended the Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas Fair at the weekend. The whole of Fore Street was blocked off at the bottom and the whole town came out to see and sample the local products on offer. The event was wonderfully staged, special thanks to Sylvain and Karina who manned to Palladium stall.
December 2014
Children in Need 2014
On Friday 14th November 2014 an impressive £760 was raised in aid of Children in Need by the staff and customers of our Burrington Way and St Levan Road Branches in Plymouth. Staff came to work in their pyjamas or wearing their favourite oensies, selling cakes (including special Pudsey cakes), confectionary and there was also a raffle.
The lucky winners were:
1st Prize went to Wurz - Lee Builders who won a day's golfing at St Mellion in Cornwall, generously donated by D. T. Plastics
2nd Prize went to Mr Stoneman who won a day's golfing at Bigbury Golf Cours
3rd Prize went to Mr Blackaller who won a ticket to a Plymouth Argyle home game
4th Prize was won by Mr Tippett, a Faithfull 52 pcs screwdriver and drill bit set
5th Prize was won by Mr McQuire who again won a Faithfull 52 pcs screwdriver and drill bit set
Thank you to everyone who helped us make the day a success. A special mention must go to Matt Clark who had his body waxed, Jessica Daly for donating her time and service and Tony Britton who had a large tin of baked beans poured over his head - sometimes charity hurts, just keep thinking worthwhile cause, worthwhile cause, worthwhile cause!
November 2014
Roll The Dice
Palladium Building Supplies sponsored horse Roll The Dice, returned fit and well after the summer break, raced recently at Exeter, finishing a very close 3rd narrowly beaten by 2 lengths. He also raced at Fontwell in Sussex again finishing 3rd , beaten only by a length.
His next race is Exeter in late November, hopefully it'll be 3rd time lucky!
November 2014
Kitchen Design Competition 2014
Tuesday 11th November 2014 saw us launch our annual Kitchen Design Competition in conjunction with Kingsbridge Community College. This is the third year in a row we have run the competition, and yesterday we visited the college to present the competition to the year 9 students taking part. The aim of the competition is to get the students to present a brief/ mood board, plan and 3D model. Prizes will be award for 1st,2nd & 3rdplace chosen by Palladium Judging Panel, there is also the opportunity for the public to get involved and vote for their favorite with a prize awarded to the winner of this vote.
We are always impressed by the creativity of the designs the students create and are looking forward to seeing this year's efforts.
November 2014
Congratulations to Jan and Phil
Congratulations to Jan and Phil on their recent wedding - you finally made an honest man out of him Jan!
November 2014
14th November - Children in Need Pyjama / Onesie Day at Palladium in Plymouth
On Friday 14th November our two branches in Plymouth will support Children in Need by coming to work in their pyjama's or by wearing a onsie. Raffle tickets are on sale now and the prize draw will be on Thursday 13th November, the winner will get a 4 Ball round of Golf at St Mellion Golf Course on a day of choice, the event being sponsored by DT Plastics. Also on the day Tony Briton who works in admin at Burrington Way branch will have a caterers tin of baked beans poured over him and Matt Clark who is a general assistant at St Levan Road branch will have his legs waxed in aid of the charit.
Join us for a day of fun and pain (for some)!!!
November 2013
Palladium Kingsbridge Staff Bowling Night Out
Last Saturday 4th October saw 16 members of Kingsbridge Staff (and partners) enjoy a night out Tenpin Bowling in Plymouth. It was friendly two game competition with a bite to eat and a few drinks.
Results of the Competition
1. Keith 282 pts , 2. Mark 259 pts , 3. Nicky 196 pts , 4. Aaron 192 pts ,5. Sylvain 177 pts ,6. Pete 163 pts , 7. Jo 161 pts , 8. Kel 161 pts , 9. Tony 153 pts , 10. Karina 148 pts , 11. Barry 144 pts , 12. Lana 133 pts , 13. Mike 123 pts , 14. Abiee 118 pts ,15. Glynis 91 pts
October 2014
Name the Dog Competition
Our Plymouth branches recently ran a competition in aid of the "Children's Hospice Southwest" where customer's werre invited to name a toy Dulux dog and the branches managed to raise just over £100 for the chosen charity. The winning names were Bailey, Toby and Scruff, chosen by Mr. Clavert and Chris.

October 2014
World's Biggest Coffee Morning 2014
A massive thank you to everyone who came, baked, bought and donated to our Macmillan Coffee Morning. Our Kingsbridge branch managed to raise a little over £156 and our Plymouth branch a little over £85 for a very worthy cause.
Every cup of coffee sold and every piece of cake eaten helps give someone facing cancer the support they need to feel more in control of their life, from the moment they are diagnosed, through treatment and afterwards.
Thank you all so very much!
September 2014
Our Director Keith Olver taking part in Ice Bucket Challenge
Keith Olver Director of Palladium and Karina Tyszkiewicz Sales Ledger Administrator taking part in their Ice Bucket Challenge.
Keith was nominated by Steward Pierce from Parker Building Supplies and completed his challenge today by having 2 ice cold buckets of water poured over him by Mike Jennings (Yard Supervisor). Keith has nominated the following 3 people: Gary Olver (Palladium Building Supplies), Simon Tandy (Kellaways) and Nick Edmunds (Wollens).
Karina was nominated by Nick Cox (Palladium Kingsbridge Branch Manager) and she chose Nicky Wilson (Showroom Supervisor) and Sylvain Bordas (Shop Supervisor), who were happy to take a part in #IceBucketChallenge. Their nominations went to Lee Nightingale, Jo Clark and Allan Sander.
We are choosing to donate to British Kidney Patient Association and donations can be made by texting BKPA11 to 70070 followed by the amount in £'s. Eg BKPA11 £5.
Thank you!
September 2014
Kingsbridge Show Draw Lucky Winners
Congratulations to Luke and Gill, the winners of our Kingsbridge Show FREE Prize Draw, who won an amazing toolkit worth £150.
PS. Luke, we hope you will let your dad borrow the tools sometimes...
(pictured: Gill and Luke Sterry, Sylvain Bordas from Palladium Building Supplies (Kingsbridge))
September 2014
Kingsbridge Show 2014
The team from Palladium started setting up at 7am and had a full day showcasing the products and services Palladium has to offer. The team on the day: Karina Tyszkiewicz, Sylvain Bordas, Jo Birmacombe, Nicky Wilson and Mike McDonald would like to thank all those who attended and visited our stands. This years show proved every popular with good weather and an excellent turn out from the public and trade stands reporting brisk business...
September 2014
Max - The Best Rescue Dog
This is Max. Max belongs to our director, Keith and his daughter Abiee took him along to the Plympton Friendly dog Show which took place on the August Bank Holiday weekend. Initially Abiee took Max along to the show to help with his socialization and struck upon the idea of entering him into the Best Rescue Dog category and to Abiee's suprise he won! Knowing Jack Russell terriers as we do, there was no doubt in Max's mind that he'd win...
(pic. Max proudly showing his rosette)
September 2014
The Palladium Golf Day has raised £2500 for charity!
We managed to raise £2500 for charity at this years Golf Day in July, with money going to Devon Air Ambulance, Bigbury Golf Club Development Program and The Kingsbridge Triangle wich works closely with the Chemotherapy Outreach Project which enables patiensto be treated in local hospitals near to their homes. Due to extra funding and donations, in January 2011 this has meant that patiens who are eligible were able to receive their chemotherapy at one of three local hospitals, Kingsbride, Tavistock and Liskeard.
(pic L-R - Paul Nesbitt (Roger Young), Pat Moore (The Triangle Centre, Kingsbridge), Karen Graddon (Bigbury Golf Club Ladies Captain), Harry Kerswell (Bigbury Golf Club Mens Captain), Keith Olver (Palladium Building Supplies) and Rex Brown (Devon Air Ambulance Trust)).
August 2014
Blood Donor Group August 4th 2014
Monday the 4th August 2014 saw six staff members give blood at Malborough Village Hall. We generally find that giving to charities can be a fulfilling experience, helping people less fortunate than us. Whilst as a business and company we organise charity events such as our annual golf day, we thought we'd actually make a personal promise to contribute to a worthwhile cause, so we chose to give blood, something we'll now do on a regular basis. With this in mind and after the success of the "No Make-Up Selfie" nominations in aid of Cancer Research, we thought we'd "nominate" other builders merchants, who could then contribute to a worthy cause. So, Inter-Line Building Supplies, Kellaway Building Supplies, Tamar Trading Ltd, Hughes Forrest and Palladium Building Supplies Plymouth.
Please remember to keep us informed of what you do and importantly remember to pas it on!!!
August 2014
Palladium Golf Day July 24th 2014
The annual Palladium Golf Day took place at Bigbury Golf Club on Thursday 24th July 2014. This year was slightly different due to the fact that the Plymouth branch were also involved making it a joint event. The day started with thunder and lightening so everyone feared the worst whilst enjoying bacon sandwiches and fresh coffee in a clubhouse but by 10:30am the sun was shining and by 11:00am the putting competitions was well underway. The golf proper was a shotgun start, with 19 allocated teams of 4, being ready to go at 1:00pm, luckily the rain held off for the day. After the prize giving, including a hole in one prize, the evening saw the almost world famous auction take place, with promises and pledges being made and item's being bought, with over £2500 being raised in aid of Devon Air Ambulance, Kingsbridge Triangle Centre and Bigbury Golf Club.
(Picture - The winning team Mike Killick, Adam Birmacombe, Gary Steere and Fred Benneton)
July 2014
Palladium Princesses managed to raise over £300
Late Saturday (19 July) evening saw over 2500 ladies start the 8th Midnight Walk in aid of St Luke's Hospice and in the process raising over £200.000 for the charity. Our very own Karina and Nicky took part, walking 7 miles and raising over £300 for the charity, all this given both ladies have young families, so no lie in on Sunday morning. Karina and Nicky took a little over two hours, finally getting to bed about 4:30am and had nothing but praise for how well the event was organised- there's already talk of doing the 15 mile walk next year...
July 2014
Palladium Building Supplies Branch Manager Nick Cox gained a distinction in his foundation degree
In July, Palladium Building Supplies Branch Manager Nick Cox attended a graduation ceremony at Bristol Cathedral in recognition of his achievement in gaining a distinction in his foundation degree. Nick along with four other students undertook the final stage of his studies, the culmination of over 3 years work, by doing a paper on business sustainability, focusing on energy usage within Palladium Building Supplies and how improvements could be made within the organisation. The foundation degree was part of the Integrated Professional Development program at the University of the West of England, who worked closely with The Builders Merchant Federation to gain University accreditation for a unique development program for the builder merchant industry. Nick completed his 10,000 word document and submitted it under university rules and learned he gained a distinction in early June. Nick will further his studies within the builders merchant industry by working with the University of the West of England and The Builders Merchant Federation in trying to gain further academic accreditation.
On the behalf of all the staff - WELL DONE NICK!
July 2014
Help Palladium Princesses make a difference
On July 19th this year, our very own Karina Tyszkiewicz and Nicky Wilson will join thousands of other women and take part in the Midnight Walk in Plymouth, raising money to help St Luke's Hospice Plymouth provide free specialist end of life care to those who need it the most in their last months, days and weeks of life across Plymouth, South West Devon and East Cornwall. Karina and Nicky are hoping to raise £500 for this local, worthwhile cause by walking 7 miles over the evening and early morning of the 19th and 20th of July - they will be starting their walk at 11pm on the 19th and finishing around 2am on the morning of the 20th, so please give what you can because every pound will truly count towards the wonderful work St Luke's Hospice does. Thank You.
To donate and support the "Palladium Princesses" please click picture below.
May 2014
Bacon Baps, Coffee & Cake at Palladium Kingsbridge
Today saw staff and customers come out to support Liam (aged 6) and raise money towards a machine he can use daily to significantly slow down the progression of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, from which Liam suffers. We managed to raise £300 selling bacon rolls, coffee and delicious homemade cakes, thank you all so very much for supporting this worthwhile cause and helping Liam.
Special thanks to , Adam Parnham and Caffe Amor for the donation of coffee, The Crabshell Inn for the loan of the coffee machine and Tesco and Morrisons for their donations.
April 2014
Kitchen Design Competition Presentation 2014
This year's Kitchen Design Competition came to a close in early April with a presentation at Kingsbridge Community College to the winners of both votes. The Studio @ Palladium along with Kingsbridge Community College ran a competition for students to design a modern functional kitchen, using the latest technology to ensure the best use of the space whilst using energy saving products. These designs were drawn and presented on mood boards along with a 3D design of their finished kitchen. We had the top three designs as voted for by the judging panel and a public vote where members of the public were invited to vote for their favourite deign. The top three as voted for by the judging panel were, 1st prize, Alix Myers, 2nd prize, Miranda Luckhurst and 3rd prize going to Holly Craig, with the public vote going to Olly Pound. There were prizes for everyone who entered with the winners receiving Amazon Vouchers. This is the second year the competition has been run and it was supported by Kingsbridge Community College along with The Studio @ Palladium, Palladium Building Supplies, VADO, Neff, PJH, International Decorative Surfaces and South West Laminates. Principle teacher Jill Flintham was very proud of the students’ achievements, the attitude and commitment by the students was excellent and many of the entrants could have a solid future in design and technology, congratulations to all those who entered, especially the winners.
(picture l - r, Karina Tyszkiewicz - Palladium Building Supplies, Holly Craig, Miranda Luckhurst, Alix Myers, Olly Pound, Nicky Wilson - The Studio @ Palladium)
April 2014
New Ranges - Available to order - NOW!
The strinking dark oak and vertical grain finish of Colorado is both stylish and on-trend. It gives a simple, yet stunning contemporary kitchen that is truly desirable.
Frontal Specification: Core Material- MFC, Finish - Dark Oak Textured Vertical Grain PVC-edged, Thickness - 18mm
The cross- grain feature in this kithcen means it's right on-trend and a stunning kitchen that can be matched with our matt or gloss kitchen ranges.
Frontal Specification: Core Material- MFC, Finish - Light Ash Textured Cross-Grain PVC-edged, Thickness - 18mm
Minnesota's distinctive linear grain and sumptuous dark finish complements the kitchen perfectly.
Frontal Specification: Core Material- MFC, Finish - Avola Grey Textured Cross-Grain PVC-edged, Thickness - 18mm
February 2014
Kitchen Design Competition 2013 / 14
Following the success of last years competition, The Studio @ Palladium in conjunction with Kingsbridge Community College is running a Competition for budding designers to find the best technical and practical kitchen design.
The Students Year 9 and 10 had 10 weeks to design their kitchen, which included a mood board and a 3D model. As you will see, the standard of application is excellent, whith 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes being awarded for the designs chosen by The Studio Team.
There will also be a prize for the design that gets most public votes. This is open to anyone - general public or the family and friends of the students.
All the projects are being desplayed in the showroom of The Studio (Higher Union Road, Kingsbridge), where you can find voting forms.
Alternatively you can vote via The Studio's Facebook page by "liking" the page and you favourite design. You can also e-mail The Studio directly on
It's simple, the design with the most votes - wins! Don't wait- choose your favourite design now!
Closing date 21st March 2014
February 2014
Winter Kitchen Sale Now On! Up to 50% off selected ranges!
Discounts are applicable to doored units and worktops only from Gallery Retail Price Guide dated October 2013.
This promotion runs on orders from:
Monday 6th January 2014 - Friday 21st March 2014.
January 2014
Our Christmas Draw Lucky Winner
This season prize winner from our free prize draw, Alan Jones. Congratulation Alan and enjoy.
(pictured Nick Cox from Palladium Building Supplies (Kingsbridge) Ltd & Alan Jones)


Bon Voyage to Jan and Andy...
So it's with sad eyes and a heavy heart we say goodbye to Janet Cook and Andy Way. Andy joined us serval years ago and moved onto pastures new, Janet has been with us for over ten years and has seen many changes for the business. Jan is retiring and relocating to the the Cotswold to be nearer family - Best Wishes to both!
December 2013
Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas
Saturday the 7th of December 2013 saw the annual Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas fayre with local stalls the length and breadth of Fore Street, selling local produce and goods. Fore Street was closed for the day and everyone started early with stalls setting up from 8am and culminated in the Lantern Parade that left the top of town just after 4pm. Karina, Sylvain and Barry were in attendance on the Palladium and The Studio stall and reported that everyone who visited the stall was in good spirits with Christmas cheer. The day was officially opened by Dr Sarah Wollaston MP. We also had Darth Vader and his Storm Troopers wondering around the town, along with Father Christmas who arrived by boat, Town Cries' and the Mayor of Kingsbridge, Irene Jeeninga. The day was a resounding success for the town, as well supported by local businesses and local residents, thank you to all who attended and supported the day.
December 2013
Join our team!
An opportunity has arisen for the following
(25.5 hrs per week)
We are looking for a friendly, outgoing and confident person to assist in the designing and planning of kitchens and bathrooms.
“Design and Plan” will include initial consultation with customer, on site visits and planning to the customer requirements, supply, arrangement of fitting if required and to provide aftersales service as well as administration duties.
Experience in kitchen and bathroom design and CAD would be preferable but not essential as training will be given.
Please send your CV to:
Mr N. Cox
Palladium Building Supplies
Higher Union Road
Palladium Building Supplies West Devon Youth League Presentation
The awards for the West Devon Youth Cricket which is sponsored by Palladium Building Supplies were presentated recently. The awards were split into several catagories and the winners were:
A Division League Winners - Buckland Under-11s
Cup Runners-up & Team of the Month for July - Plymstock Under-15s
Cup Winners - Cornwood Under-15s
Team of the Month for May - Tavistock Under-11s
League Winners - Plymouth Under-15s
B Division League Winners - Cornwood Delamore Under-11s
Cup Runners-up & Team of the Month for June - Lewdown Under-13s
B Division Cup Winners - Cornwood Girls Under-11s
League & Cup Winners - Yelverton Under-13s
A Division Cup Winners - Plympton St. Maurice Under-11s
A Special Mention to Elliot Hamilton who was voted West Devon Youth Player of the Season and Leon Horn who was voted Under-13s Best Bowler. Congratulations to all winners and runners up on a successful season.
November 2013
Join our Team!
Palladium Building Supplies (Kingsbridge) is looking for a Full Time Counter Assistant.
Duties include working in our very busy shop(s), serving customers, stocking shelves, ordering stock and answering telephone calls.
A good general knowledge of building materials an advantage but not essential.
You must be enthusiastic, polite, fit, self motivated, work well under pressure and be a good team player, but also able to work well on your own.
Please apply in writting with your CV to:
Mr S. Bordas
Palladium Building Supplies (Kingsbridge) Ltd
Higher Union Road
Closing Date: Friday 1st November 2013
October 2013
Kingsbridge Show Draw Lucky Winner
The prize winner from our free prize draw at this years Kingsbridge Show, congratulations Derek, hope you enjoy the wine.
(Pictured Derek West & Nick Cox from Palladium Building Supplies)
October 2013
Palladium Staff Night Out
Last Saturday a group from Palladium spent the evening at the Maha-Bharat Indian Restaurant in Kingsbridge. We would like to thank you for a lovely food and an excellent service!
October 2013
Kitchen Design Competition 2013
The Studio @ Palladium in conjunction with Kingsbridge Community College is running a competition to design a kitchen. As a consequence of last years competition being so successful it has been extended to this year with Years 9 and 10 being eligible to participate.
Students were given a specific brief that includes a budget, a space that they must make the best use of and a range of relevant catalogues of featured products. They were asked to design a kitchen that's practicable, to scale, to budget with consideretion to the space they have to work with and the environment using energy efficient products. All students were given a project pack that has all the information they need to design their kitchen. Prizes will be awarded for the best three entrants. The competition runs for 6-8 weeks with the submitted designs being displayed in the showroom of Palladium Building Supplies and on-line .
Nicky Wilson and Karina Tyszkiewicz of The Studio @ Palladium and Mrs Flintham of Kingsbridge Community College are responsible for preparing the students for the project. They will also make up part of the judging panel along with the Directors of The Studio @ Palladium to choose the eventual winners of the top 3 designs. The public will also choose their own winner via visiting our Showroom or voting on-line.
Best of luck to all participants!
October 2013
World's Biggest Coffee Morning
Thanks to everyone who contributed and attended our Coffee Morning in ad of Macmillan last Friday. Our Kingsbridge Branch managed to raise £91.72 and Plymouth Branch £111 for a very worthy cause. Thank you all so much.
September 2013
Kingsbridge Show 2013
This year Palladium Building Supplies attend the annual Kingsbridge Show which saw a record turnout of over 10,000 people pass throught the gate on the day. It was an early start and a late finish for the Palladium team with glorious sunshine with the Palladium staff contributing to the fun atmosphere by giving out helium balloons nad tongue colour changing lollies, which seemed to be more popular with the adults than the children. The show which is in its 132nd year offers a local feel, keeping its traditional agricultural and horticultural roots with something for everyone, a little piece of rural England. Palladium Building Supplies was proud to attend the event and would like to thank all those who attended and visited our stands.
September 2013
Kingsbridge Fair Week 2013
Palladium Building Supplies in Kingsbridge got into the spirit of Kingsbridge Fair Week in July, dressing up as wizards and withces to hand our balloons and goodies to the public. Kingsbridge Fair Week can be traced back to the mid- 15th century when a Royal Charter was granted for the town to hold a trade fair and the fun element was added at a later date. Kingsbridge Fair Week is an annual event where towns people and visitors can take part in varous activities throughout the week, there's something for all ages and abilities. Palladium Building Supplies always supports this local and worthwhile event bringing fun and laughter (and usually rain) to the town, thankfully this year the weather was, for the majority of Fair Week settled and sunny.
July 2013
Kingsbridge Fair Week Carnival 2013
Come down to the the Fair Week Carnival in Kingsbridge tonight (27th July 2013) and meet our magical Trio!!!
July 2013
Palladium Kingsbridge Celebrating 25 Years in the Business
Thank you to all our customers: Richard Haver Construction Ltd, WM Construction South West Ltd, Simon Procter Building Contractors, M2P Design, Gibson Construction, Andrew Wood Building Limited, Norman Brooking Builders, D G Steere Builders, Seal Construction, Hayman Construction, Michael Heath Building Contractors, and suppliers: Carlise Brass, Yennadon Stone Ltd, Austen Knapman who suported our feature in todays Kingsbridge Gazette!
26 July 2013
Palladium Kingsbridge Golf Day 11th July 2013
Our annual Golf Day managed to raise £3,300 for charity. The money raised will be split between The Devon Air Ambulance, Breast Cancer Research and The Bigbury Golf Club Development Program. The day included a golf trick short artist who wowed the crowd with his skill and timing, also a bonus was a lovely weather wich managed to hold for the whole day.
July 2013
Kingsbridge in Bloom Presenation
Thank you to the Kingsbridge in Bloom comittee for inviting us to their presentation last Friday. The commitment and dedication of the people that give their time and energy for the good of the town is an inspiration to us all. The judges from South West in Bloom were very impressed with the standard and if the Kingsbridge in Bloom do well then they will go forward to the National competition. Palladium Building Supplies are very proud to be associated with Kingsbridge in Bloom.
Pictured: Karina Tyszkiewicz (Palladium), David Dain (Kingsbridge in Bloom), Nick Cox (Palladium).
July 2013
Farewell to a great member of staff...
Friday was a sad day for the Kingsbridge Branch as Steve after nearly 12 years has moved onto new pastures.
Everyone at Palladium will miss Steve greatly and his tasty cakes made by his lovely wife.
We wish you all the best for the future Steve!
July 2013
South West in Bloom Competition
The South West in Bloom competition comes to Kingsbridge this week. Representatives from Kingsbridge in Bloom will accompany judges from South West in Bloom to the several sites around Kingsbridge. Judging starts this Friday the 12th July at 9:30am so let's all get behind this and show our town at its very best. Good Luck to the Kingsbridge in Bloom Team, the town looks fantastic, you should be very proud!!!
July 2013
Goodbye Old Friend...
So it's goodbye and farewell. We've had out tears and laughter over the years, bon chance my son, it's been emotional.
July 2013
Palladium Sponsored The Green Ark Children's Centre in Plymouth
Palladium proudly sponsored The Green Ark Children's Centre in Plymouth. We hope that the children will have lots of fun playing with the water!
July 2013
KBB Show & Symphony Group
Last week we visited the Kitchen, Bathroom and Bedroom Show at the ExCel Exhibition Centre in London. The show impressed with the latest trends, innovations and fashions in kitchen, bathroom and bedroom design and the latest technology available to make designs truly unique. We then visited Syphony Group at their marekign suite in Barnsley and their warehouse facility in Rotherham at the invitation of Mike Lockman. Visiting Symphony is always inspiring, their commitment to kitchen design and innovation is exceptional, thanks to Mike and all the Symphony for their hospitality!
May 2013
"Down with energy costs" Roadshow
"Down with energy costs" Roadshow coming to Palladium in Kingsbridge on the 28th May 8am - 12pm.
Drop in for no nonsense, impartial, free advice from the South West Energy Centre experts on how to reduce the energy costs in your business. SWEC can monitor energy usage and give detailed recommendations for reducing energy costs by adopting energy efficiency measures and / or renewable technologies.
We look forward to seeing you!
Palladium Sponsor a Racehorse
Palladium Building Supplies sponsor a racehorse called Roll The Dice. It is trained by leading trainer Philip Hobbs who is based at Minehead, and normally ridden by top jockeys Richard Johnson (pictured) and Tom O'Brien and has been successful in this seasons National Hunt winning at Ludlow and Wincanton. Roll the Dice has also placed 2nd and 3rd five times. Roll the Dice will now have a break for the summer and return to race again in the autumn.
May 2013
Congratulations to our Beanie Hat Competition Winners!
Congratulations to Jonathan and Richard, our Beanie Hat Competition Winners!
May 2013
Youth Cricket Kicks-Off New Campaign
Palladium Building Supplies continue to sponsor the league now for a 29th season. Andy Alford (League & Fixture Secretary) said: "Palladium's support is incredible and unprecedented we believe in youth sport." read more
May 2013
Bon Voyage to Lou!
Yesteday was the last day for the lovely Mrs Green. We are all very sorry to see her go, she has been a very popular member of the team in Kingsbridge Branch and she will be truly missed :(
We wish you all the best for the future Lou!
May 2013
New Showroom at St Levan Road in Plymouth
Vist our newly refurbished Bathroom and Kitchen Showroom at St Levan Road Plymouth.
A range of bathroom products from Eastbrook, Woodstock, Merlyn and Claygate can be viewed, from standalone vanity units and shower cubicles ranging from 6mm right up to 10mm tempered glass to complete bathroom suites and solutions of the less able.
Our Gallery by Symphony displays give just a taster of the contemporary and traditional styles of kitchen furniture available, with complimentary worktop displays from Getalit and Duropal.
Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you with your bathroom and kitchen requirements.
No obligation design and quotation service available.
St Levan Road
tel: 01752 551881
fax: 01752 606172
April 2013
Palladium Staff Night Out
We would like to thank Café Asia for a wonderful meal and an excellent service last Saturday night. Everyone had an ejnoyable evening!
April 2013
Worshipful Company of Builders' Merchants awards BMF students
The Worshipful Company of Builders’ Merchants made award to four BMF students at its annual City & Awards Luncheon. The event on March 5 took place at the historic Ironmongers’ Hall in London saw awards being presented to the top four graduates of the Builders’ Merchant Federation Diploma in Merchanting.
The Worshipful Company of Builders’ Merchants supports training and educatin in the merchant industry through its close links with the IoBM and BMF. The City & Awards luncheon hosted by the Company is an opportunity to recognise the achievements of young merchants in the industry.
Glenn Paddison, MKM Building Supplies Ltd, won the Company’s first prize and the Golton Medal 2013. Roy Shewry, Hoppings Softwood Products PLC, won second and Nick Cox, of PALLADIUM Ltd received third prize. The fourth prize went to Ryan Osborne, Hopings Softwood Products Ltd.
The Master Andrew Day said: „Training, the development of talent and ability, is one of the Company’s principal objectives, so we were delighted and impressed with the performance of these four future industry leaders. The luncheon, now in its second year, raises the profile of Builders’ Merchanting in hte City and was very well attended.It provides a platform for a number of the Company’s objectives, which includes encouraging networking and the exchange of information to bring out a thriving and prosperous industry through co-operation and interaction. What could be more important that that right now?”
March 2013
Kitchen Design Competition Presentation
Thank you to everyone who completed the Kitchen Design Competition-prize giving was held on the 14th of March at Kingsbridge Community College. All the work was to an exceptionally high standard and the potential in the designs was clear to see. The application and commitment by the students was truly amazing, well done to you all, you should be very proud.
Many congratulations to the winners:
1st Heléna Doré
2nd Olivia White
3rd Harrison Ward
Public Vote Winner: Heléna Doré
We also would like to thank Jill Flintham for her enthusiasm and commitment as well as all the sponsors: Palladium Building Supplies in partnership with VADO, The PJH Group, Neff, IDS International Decorative Surfaces and LWS Laminate and Worktops Southwest Ltd.
View a Gallery
March 2013
New VADO Display
VADO is a leading British bathroom brassware manufacturer providing high quality taps, showers, accessories and fittings. Every product VADO offers is created and produced around their four core values: quality, design, service and innovation. Their four core values can be seen first hand on our VADO display at our Kingsbridge showroom. We have a selection of their product ranges for you to see, touch and feel so visit us in Branch and view the latest design innovations from one of the country's leading manufactures in bathroom taps, showers and accessories.
February 2013
Rangemaster Training in Leamington Spa
On the 8th of February we attended a training course and a factory tour at Rangemaster Company in Leamington Spa.
View a Gallery
February 2013
Kitchen Sale Now On!
Don't miss out! Kitchen Sale now on! Visit our showroom for further details! Promotion applies to doored and drawed units only.
Terms and conditions apply.
Offer Valid February - March - April 2013
February 2013
Kitchen Design Competition
The Studio @ Palladium is running a competition in conjunction with Kingsbridge Community College for Year 10 students to design kitchen. A specific brief was given, the kitchen had to be practical, designed for a modern living family and the students were given a lesson in kitchen design. The students had 10 weeks to design their kitchen, which included a mood board, with a perspective view and a 3D model with prizes for the top three designs chosen by The Studio team. There is also a prize for the design that gets the most public votes. All the students projects are being displayed in the showroom of The Studio where you can find voting forms. Alternatively you can vote via The Studio's Facebook page (/The Studio At Palladium) by "liking" your favourite design or you can e-mail The Studio directly on Voting is open to everyone and the closing date for votes is 8th March 2013 so vote now and choose your winner.
Click here to view all entries for the Kitchen Design Competition.
January 2013
Our Christmas Draw Lucky Winner
Our Xmas Draw lucky winner collecting his prize from our Branch Manager Nick. Congratulations Andy!
January 2013
Christmas Draw Winner Chosen!
Louise Green our glamorous accounts office assistant drawing the winning ticket for our Christmas Prize Draw, a case of wine for the lucky winner who'll be contacted shortly.
January 2013
Palladium Sponsors Football Kit for Children
The organization behind this is Link International which is a charity that gives young people from the UK a chance to experience life and work in Uganda. The village is called Mityana in Uganda and it's one of the poorest areas of the country. An area was cleared, goal posts were put up and the kit was given out to the children. They have never had a proper football kit before and the obvious sense of togetherness was you could imagine, overwhelming. As the company that supplied the football kit, it was pleasing to see the joy on the children's faces, something so simple made, even just for an afternoon, the children smile and it gave great pleasure to the staff and directors of Palladium Builders Merchants to see the children playing and enjoying themselves.
December 2012
Movember 2012
The "Movember" saw Sean Dunne, Laurence Parkinson and Jason Hawkes from Palladium Building Supplies, Kingsbridge, Devon raise over £500 for causes related to mens health. The group calling themselves The Kingsbridge Gentlemen managed to raise the profile of this important issue by asking customers, suppliers and colleagues to sponsor their campaign. "I may even keep my moustache" said Laurence," I've not grown one since the 1970s and my wife commented that it made me look younger" He's the one in the middle, judge for yourself!
November 2012
Kitchen Design Competition - Introductory Lesson
The Studio @ Palladium is running a competition for budding designers in conjunction with Kingsbridge Community College for students to design a kitchen to scale. Nicky Wilson & Karina Tyszkiewicz from The Studio attended a lesson, met the students, gave a presentation and competition packs to the students explaining that there will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for the best technical and practical designs chosen by The Studio Team. There will also be a prize for the design that gets the most public votes, with the students family and friends being invited to vote either on-line or at The Studio for the design of their choice.
October 2012
The Palladium Golf Day has raised £1760 for charity!
Our annual Golf Day at Bigbury Golf Club managed to raise over £1700 for St. Luke's Hospice in Plymouth and the Golf Club Development Fund. The event saw forty eight customers and suppliers play the eighteen holes in support of the charities. The annual golf day has been held for the last 16 years, with Palladium Building Supplies and Bigbury Golf Club working together to ensure the on-going success of the event. A big Thank You to all those who attended and for helping to raise the money for two very worthwhile causes.
July 2012
Fair Week 2012
Our very own Karina and Barry spreading magic and joy over the Kingsbridge Fair Week Carnival. The good witch Karina cast a spell so the weather was nice and Barry the jolly wizard cast a spell so everyone attending the carnival had a fun time. To all those lucky boys and girls who met Karina and Barry, remember to keep your magic balloon safe!
July 2012